Not all businesses are created equal in the eyes of payment processors. Some industries and business models are considered "high-risk," meaning they present a greater potential for chargebacks, fraud, or financial losses. Since your travel business falls into this category, you'll likely need a high-risk merchant account to accept credit card payments.
Future Delivery/Delayed Delivery
In addition to high ticket items, recurring billing, and products or services prone to buyer's remorse and disputes future delivery/delayed delivery also raises risk concerns in the underwriting phase of establishing a merchant account. Travel credit card transactions are unique in that they are high dollar tickets, sometimes recurring, when considering downpayments and installment payments but they also introduce something special. Delayed Delivery. When booking a travel arrangement, the deliverable (the trips flight, hotel, car rental, tour guide, cruise...) will not be complete for several months down the road. This is often referred to as "future delivery". During that time travel agents continue booking other trips with those components of the trips. This is a unique situation that requires a special type of underwriting to establish a merchant accoun. As these trips are sold, their chargeback window
Example lists
This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It's a slightly shorter version of the other highly repetitive body text used throughout. This is an example unordered list:
- First list item
- Second list item with a longer description
- Third list item to close it out
And this is an ordered list:
- First list item
- Second list item with a longer description
- Third list item to close it out
And this is a definition list:
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
- The language used to describe and define the content of a Web page
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Used to describe the appearance of Web content
- JavaScript (JS)
- The programming language used to build advanced Web sites and applications
Inline HTML elements
HTML defines a long list of available inline tags, a complete list of which can be found on the Mozilla Developer Network.
- To bold text, use
- To italicize text, use
- Abbreviations, like HTML should use
, with an optional title
attribute for the full phrase.
- Citations, like — Mark Otto, should use
Deleted text should use <del>
and inserted text should use <ins>
- Superscript text uses
and subscript text uses <sub>
Mark Fravel
Mark Fravel is the owner/operator of National Transaction Corporation (NTC), an electronic payment & financial technology service provider processing for travel, mail order, e-commerce, and mobile environments. NTC also provides loans, currency conversion, electronic checks, gift cards, and more. NTC is supported by The American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) as well as several other travel associations. We are the electronic payment experts in the travel industry and support all aspects of travel including travel agencies, tour operators, airlines, and hotels. National Transaction Corporation provides service after the sale which also sets us apart from others.